Welcome. This is an implementation of a transformer in pure go with no third party libraries. This way, everything from tensor operations to tokenization are all done inside this notebook.
Because the goal of this project is illustrative, there are no optimisations. Everything runs on a single goroutine and doesn’t have any parallelism. This makes it easy to follow and good as a reference guide.
This page is also heavily referenced. The goal is to have everything have a reference to its original paper or reference implementation.
Usually this goes at the bottom, but seeing this entire thing is a reference, it’ll go at the top instead.
- IEEE-754 - This is binary floating point. The specification gives good details about what types of errors that can accumulate which would impact training and interence, as well as possible optimisations that can be used, like fused-multiply-add (FMA), which can reduce intermediate errors. CPUs usually use FP32, GPUs FP16.
- BLAS - Speed up matrix multiplication on CPUs.
- Layer Normalization - Layernorm was introduced in this paper.
- Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition - The introduction of residuals allowed for deeper networks. Before this paper the depth of a neural network was limited because it would diverge enough and back propagation was really, really difficult to do because of vanishing gradients. Residuals essentially have a “short circuit” past a block which limits how much the neural networks can influence.
- Gaussian Error Linear Units (GELUs) - Activation function that leaves positive values unchanged but maps negative numbers to near zero. Other architectures use different activation functions. For example, OpenElm uses SwiGLU.
- Learning representations by back-propagating errors - Back-propagation was introduced here, couldn’t find the original paper. This was done by Hinton and co and was what lead to the AI era of the 80s.
- Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization - Introduced the Adam optimiser.
- DECOUPLED WEIGHT DECAY REGULARIZATION - Introduces AdamW optimiser used in the first transformer. Adam with weight where weight increases as time goes on.
- Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization - Introduced the Adam optimiser.
- DECOUPLED WEIGHT DECAY REGULARIZATION - Introduces AdamW optimiser used in the first transformer. Adam with weight where weight increases as time goes on.
- Fast Transformer Decoding: One Write-Head is All You Need - People always point to the original Attention is all you need paper or the GPT paper that introduced the decoder only model, but this one was the first one that actually used it in practice.
- Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners - This is the GPT-2 paper
- Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training -** This paper introduced the “GPT” which was a breakthrough at the time. It introduced the idea of using next token prediction as a way to do self-supervised learning, which meant that we can put all of the internet into it and with a simple loss function over the vocabulary adjust the weights via backpropagation.
- Attention Is All You Need - The OG introduced the idea of self-attention and the encoder/decoder architecture for language translation tasks (the encoder later got dropped because it was only used for translation). Another breakthrough from this paper was the training; “The Transformer allows for significantly more parallelisation and can reach a new state of the art in translation quality after being trained for as little as twelve hours on eight P100 GPUs.” - This fact here was what let it: overtake RNNs (which weren’t parallelisable), and lead NVIDIA to be worth more than 2.7 Trillion token credits.
Before we can dive into the transformer, we need to cover the basics:
- Datatypes
- Matricies + Tensors
- Matrix multiplication
Datatypes and Math¶
Because we’re GPU poor, and because it makes the implementation easier, we use float32 for all parameters and calculations.
CPUs can either do calculations in 32 or 64 bits, but the go standard library is opinionated and only supports 64 bit math operations. This wraps all the math functions we need. Whilst all modern architectures have instructions for both float32 and float64 operations, float32 is still faster because it uses 1/2 the bits, so the throughput can be 2x the float64 (citation needed). This is an obvious optimisation for this implementation.
Because graphics applications aren’t needed to be precise, GPUs often use IEEE 754 half precision which is 16 bits, the training loss from switching from 32 -> 16 bits is negligible. (citation needed)
- IEEE-754 - I’ve linked the Wikipedia because you need to pay for the standard.
import "math"
func Abs(x float32) float32 {
if x > 0 {
return x
return -x
func Cosh(x float32) float32 {
return float32(math.Cosh(float64(x)))
func Exp(x float32) float32 {
return float32(math.Exp(float64(x)))
func Inf(sign int) float32 {
return float32(math.Inf(sign))
func Log(x float32) float32 {
return float32(math.Log(float64(x)))
func IsNaN(f float32) bool {
return math.IsNaN(float64(f))
func Pow(x, y float32) float32 {
return float32(math.Pow(float64(x), float64(y)))
func Sqrt(x float32) float32 {
return float32(math.Sqrt(float64(x)))
func Tanh(x float32) float32 {
return float32(math.Tanh(float64(x)))
What is a tensor? A tensor is a multi-dimensional array. A regular slice is one-dimensional, holding elements in a sequence. A tensor can have multiple dimensions, like a 2D array (grid) or even a 3D array (cube).
Tensor libraries like pytorch or tensorflow exist in python. The most widely used tensor library for local inference is which powers llama.cpp.
type tensor struct {
data []float32
dims []int
stride []int
func (t tensor) Data() []float32 {
func newTensor(data []float32, dims (tensor, int) {
s := 1
for _, d := range dims {
s *= d
if s > len(data) {
panic("dimensions larger than supplied data")
ss := min(s, len(data))
return tensor{
data: data[:ss],
dims: dims,
}, ss
func (t tensor) size() int {
size := 1
for _, dim := range t.dims {
size *= dim
return size
func (t tensor) index(idx tensor {
// 1. Error Handling (Partially Adjusted)
if len(idx) > len(t.dims) {
panic("Too many indices for tensor dimensions")
for i, dim := range idx {
if dim < 0 || dim >= t.dims[i] {
panic("Index out of bounds")
// 2. Calculate Linear Index (Partially Adjusted)
linearIndex := idx[0]
stride := t.size()
for i := 1; i < len(idx); i++ {
stride /= t.dims[i]
linearIndex += idx[i] * stride
// 3. Adjust Dimensions and Return Sub-Tensor
newDims := t.dims[len(idx):] // Keep remaining dimensions
end := linearIndex + t.subTensorSize(newDims) // Size based on remaining dimensions
return tensor{
dims: newDims,
// Helper function to calculate the size of a sub-tensor
func (t tensor) subTensorSize(idx []int) int {
subTensorSize := 1
for _, dim := range t.dims[len(idx):] {
subTensorSize *= dim
return subTensorSize
Matrix Multiplication¶
matmulForward performs matrix multiplication and adds bias. Parameters:
- out: output matrix
- inp: input matrix
- weight: weight matrix
- bias: bias vector
- B: batch size
- T: sequence length (number of time steps)
- C: input dimension (number of features)
- OC: number of output channels
Most of the time spent in inference is in this function. Because we’re only doing this on a CPU this implemenation is very, very slow, and this is where different implementations would use a GPU/CUDA/Metal implementation to do parallel computation.
On CPU, many architectures have an optimisation called Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms BLAS. This allows for tiling (breaking matricies into smaller pieces and processing) or Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD).
func matmulForward(out, inp, weight, bias []float32, B, T, C, OC int) {
// Iterate over each batch
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for b := 0; b < B; b++ {
// Iterate over each time step in the sequence
for t := 0; t < T; t++ {
go func(b, t int) {
defer wg.Done()
// Calculate the index in the output slice
inp_bt := inp[b*T*C+t*C:]
out_bt := out[b*T*OC+t*OC:]
for o := 0; o < OC; o++ {
var val float32
if bias != nil {
val = bias[o]
// Calculate the index in the weight slice
wrow := weight[o*C:]
// Perform the dot product between the input and weight row
for i := 0; i < C; i++ {
val += inp_bt[i] * wrow[i]
// Store the output value in the output slice
out_bt[o] = val
}(b, t)
Table of contents¶
Parameters vs Activations¶
Parameters - The bulk of what makes up “the model”. Most of the bytes you download comes from this part.
Activations - Output of mathematical operations between the input and the parameters.
Forward pass¶
A forward pass is the “inference” stage - this section is what’s occuring when you talk with ChatGPT.
This section transforms text into a vector representation that can be processed by a neural network.
- Tokenizer - Converts text to numeric ids that can be processed.
- Data Loading - This section describes how data is loaded, including batching, tokenization, and offsetting.
- Embedding - Converts these ids into n dimensional vector space
This section is repeated for every layer. GPT-2 has 12 layers.
- Masked Multi-Head Attention - Allows all tokens in the context window to impact other tokens in the context window
- Add and Norm - Adds residual stream and normalises outputs
- Feed Forward - Feed forward is a standard MLP. Allows for more complex connections to be formed than just the attention mechanism alone.
Final transformations¶
This section takes the higher dimensionality representations of our activations and processes it to give us our final output
- Linear - Transformation that reduces dimensionality into “logits” which are correlated to how likely each token is (-inf==never, +inf=100% certainty)
- Softmax - This takes the logits and creates a probability distribution that adds up to 100%
- Sampling - This samples the probability distribution and returns the single token that’s needed to make the next prediction
A complete forward pass¶
This section puts all of this together.
Backwards pass¶
This is “training”. Companies spend billions of dollars optimizing to make this as fast as possible.
- Backward Pass - Calculating the gradients for gradient descent + backprop.
- Optimizer - Determines how fast the model learns
- Training our model - Let’s train gpt.
Data loading¶
import (
const Int32ByteLen = 4
type DataLoader struct {
filename string
batchSize int
seqLength int
currentPosition int64
fileSize int64
NumBatches int
data []int32
dataAll []int32
func NewDataLoader(filename string, batchSize, seqLength int) (*DataLoader, error) {
file, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newDataLoader(file, batchSize, seqLength)
func newDataLoader(file io.Reader, batchSize, seqLength int) (*DataLoader, error) {
data, err := io.ReadAll(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
size := len(data)
if size < (batchSize*seqLength+1)*Int32ByteLen {
return nil, errors.New("error: file size is too small for the batch size and sequence length")
loader := &DataLoader{
batchSize: batchSize,
seqLength: seqLength,
NumBatches: size / (batchSize * seqLength * Int32ByteLen),
data: make([]int32, size/Int32ByteLen),
fileSize: int64(size / Int32ByteLen),
if err := binary.Read(bytes.NewReader(data), binary.LittleEndian,; err != nil {
return nil, err
return loader, nil
func newDataLoaderFromInts(data []int32, batchSize, seqLength int) (*DataLoader, error) {
size := len(data)
if size < (batchSize*seqLength + 1) {
return nil, errors.New("error: file size is too small for the batch size and sequence length")
loader := &DataLoader{
batchSize: batchSize,
seqLength: seqLength,
NumBatches: size / (batchSize * seqLength),
data: data,
fileSize: int64(size),
return loader, nil
func (loader *DataLoader) Reset() {
loader.currentPosition = 0
func (loader *DataLoader) NextBatch() ([]int32, []int32, error) {
nextPos := loader.currentPosition + int64(loader.batchSize*loader.seqLength)
if nextPos+1 > loader.fileSize {
nextPos = loader.currentPosition + int64(loader.batchSize*loader.seqLength)
// don't x4 because we're indexing int32 not byte
inputs :=[loader.currentPosition:nextPos]
targets :=[loader.currentPosition+1 : nextPos+1]
loader.currentPosition = nextPos
return inputs, targets, nil
Parameters ¶
A Parameter is a numerical value that determines the strength of the connection between neurons. These connections are similar to synapses in the human brain, and the parameters are like the knobs that adjust the strength of those connections.
There are two main types of parameters in neural networks:
Weights: These are associated with each connection between neurons. They multiply the signal coming from one neuron before it’s passed on to the next neuron. A higher weight means a stronger connection and a greater influence on the receiving neuron.
Biases: These are added to the sum of the weighted inputs at each neuron. They act like a baseline shift, allowing the neuron to activate even if the weighted inputs are weak.
// ParameterTensors are the parameters of the model
type ParameterTensors struct {
Memory []float32
WordTokEmbed tensor // (V, C) - Word/Token Embedding weights (Vocabulary size, Embedding dimension)
WordPosEmbed tensor // (maxT, C) - Positional Embedding weights (Maximum Sequence length, Embedding dimension)
LayerNorm1W tensor // (L, C) - Weights for Layer Normalization 1 (Number of layers, Embedding dimension)
LayerNorm1B tensor // (L, C) - Biases for Layer Normalization 1
QueryKeyValW tensor // (L, 3*C, C) - Attention QKV weights (Layers, 3 * Embedding dimension, Embedding dimension)
QueryKeyValB tensor // (L, 3*C) - Attention QKV biases
AttProjW tensor // (L, C, C) - Attention projection weights (Layers, Embedding dimension, Embedding dimension)
AttProjB tensor // (L, C) - Attention projection biases
Layer2NormW tensor // (L, C) - Weights for Layer Normalization 2
Layer2NormB tensor // (L, C) - Biases for Layer Normalization 2
FeedFwdW tensor // (L, 4*C, C) - Feed-forward layer weights (Layers, 4 * Embedding Dimension, Embedding Dimension)
FeedFwdB tensor // (L, 4*C) - Feed-forward layer biases
FeedFwdProjW tensor // (L, C, 4*C) - Feed-forward projection weights
FeedFwdProjB tensor // (L, C)- Feed-forward projection biases
LayerFinNormW tensor // (C) - Final layer normalization weights
LayerFinNormB tensor // (C) - Final layer normalization biases
func newParameterTensors(V, C, maxSeqLen, L int) ParameterTensors {
var tensor ParameterTensors
tensor.Init(V, C, maxSeqLen, L)
return tensor
func (tensor *ParameterTensors) Len() int {
return len(tensor.Memory)
// Init initialises the ParameterTensors with specific sizes for each tensor based on the model architecture.
func (tensor *ParameterTensors) Init(V, C, maxSeqLen, L int) {
tensor.Memory = make([]float32,
V*C+ // WordTokEmbed
maxSeqLen*C+ // WordPosEmbed
L*C+ // LayerNorm1W
L*C+ // LayerNorm1B
L*3*C*C+ // QueryKeyValW
L*3*C+ // QueryKeyValB
L*C*C+ // AttProjW
L*C+ // AttProjB
L*C+ // Layer2NormW
L*C+ // Layer2NormB
L*4*C*C+ // FeedFwdW
L*4*C+ // FeedFwdB
L*C*4*C+ // FeedFwdProjW
L*C+ // FeedFwdProjB
C+ // LayerFinNormW
C, // LayerFinNormB
var ptr int
memPtr := tensor.Memory
tensor.WordTokEmbed, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, V, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.WordPosEmbed, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, maxSeqLen, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.LayerNorm1W, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.LayerNorm1B, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.QueryKeyValW, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, 3*C, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.QueryKeyValB, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, 3*C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.AttProjW, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, C, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.AttProjB, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.Layer2NormW, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.Layer2NormB, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.FeedFwdW, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, 4*C, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.FeedFwdB, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, 4*C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.FeedFwdProjW, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, C, 4*C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.FeedFwdProjB, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.LayerFinNormW, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.LayerFinNormB, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
if len(memPtr) != 0 {
panic("something went real bad here")
An activation is the output of the input, and a mathematical operation. If the weight determines the strength of the function, the activation is the output.
// ActivationTensors
type ActivationTensors struct {
Memory []float32
Encoded tensor // (B, T, C) - Initial encoded input representations (Batch size, Sequence length, Embedding dimension)
Layer1Act tensor // (L, B, T, C) - Activations after Layer Normalization 1
LayerNorm1Mean tensor // (L, B, T) - Mean values for Layer Normalization 1
LayerNorm1Rstd tensor // (L, B, T) - Reciprocal of standard deviation for Layer Normalization 1
QueryKeyVal tensor // (L, B, T, 3*C) - Combined Query, Key, Value representations for attention
AttentionInter tensor // (L, B, T, C) - Intermediate attention-like result
PreAttention tensor // (L, B, NH, T, T) - Pre-attention scores
Attention tensor // (L, B, NH, T, T) - Normalized attention weights (Number of layers, Batch size, Number of Attention Heads, Sequence length, Sequence length)
AttentionProj tensor // (L, B, T, C) - Projected attention outputs
Residual2 tensor // (L, B, T, C) - Residual connection after attention
LayerNorm2Act tensor // (L, B, T, C) - Activations after Layer Normalization 2
LayerNorm2Mean tensor // (L, B, T) - Mean values for Layer Normalization 2
LayerNorm2Rstd tensor // (L, B, T) - Reciprocal of standard deviation for Layer Normalization 2
FeedForward tensor // (L, B, T, 4*C) - Intermediate Feed-Forward Network activations
FeedForwardGelu tensor // (L, B, T, 4*C) - FeedForward activations after applying GELU (non-linearity)
FeedForwardProj tensor // (L, B, T, C) - Projected output of the Feed-Forward Network
Residual3 tensor // (L, B, T, C) - Residual connection after Feed-Forward Network
LayerNormFinal tensor // (B, T, C) - Final activations after Layer Normalization
LayerNormFinalMean tensor // (B, T) - Mean values for final Layer Normalization
LayerNormFinalStd tensor // (B, T) - Reciprocal of standard deviation for final Layer Normalization
Logits tensor // (B, T, V) - Raw output scores (before softmax)
Probabilities tensor // (B, T, V) - Softmax probabilities over the vocabulary
Losses tensor // (B, T) - Loss values per token in the batch
func (tensor *ActivationTensors) Init(B, C, T, L, NH, V int) {
tensor.Memory = make([]float32,
var ptr int
memPtr := tensor.Memory
tensor.Encoded, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, B, T, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.Layer1Act, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, T, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.LayerNorm1Mean, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, T)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.LayerNorm1Rstd, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, T)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.QueryKeyVal, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, T, C*3)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.AttentionInter, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, T, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.PreAttention, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, NH, T, T)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.Attention, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, NH, T, T)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.AttentionProj, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, T, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.Residual2, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, T, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.LayerNorm2Act, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, T, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.LayerNorm2Mean, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, T)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.LayerNorm2Rstd, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, T)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.FeedForward, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, T, C*4)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.FeedForwardGelu, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, T, C*4)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.FeedForwardProj, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, T, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.Residual3, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, L, B, T, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.LayerNormFinal, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, B, T, C)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.LayerNormFinalMean, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, B, T)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.LayerNormFinalStd, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, B, T)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.Logits, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, B, T, V)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.Probabilities, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, B, T, V)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
tensor.Losses, ptr = newTensor(memPtr, B, T)
memPtr = memPtr[ptr:]
if len(memPtr) != 0 {
panic("something went real bad here")
Tokenization is the fundamental process of transforming text data into a format the model can understand. It involves breaking down sentences into smaller units called tokens.
import (
const GPT2_EOT int32 = 50256
type Tokenizer struct {
vocabSize uint32
tokenTable []string // tokenTable maps token id to string
tokenMap map[string]int32 // tokenMap maps token to id
init bool
func newTokenizer(vocab []string) Tokenizer {
tokenizer := Tokenizer{
vocabSize: uint32(len(vocab)),
tokenTable: vocab,
tokenMap: make(map[string]int32),
init: true,
for i, token := range vocab {
tokenizer.tokenMap[token] = int32(i)
return tokenizer
func NewTokenizer(filename string) (Tokenizer, error) {
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return Tokenizer{}, err
defer f.Close()
header := make([]uint32, 256)
if err := binary.Read(f, binary.LittleEndian, header); err != nil {
return Tokenizer{}, err
if header[0] != 20240328 || header[1] != 1 {
return Tokenizer{}, errors.New("incorrect header for tokenizer")
tok := Tokenizer{
vocabSize: header[2],
tokenTable: make([]string, header[2]),
tokenMap: make(map[string]int32),
init: true,
var length byte
for i := range tok.tokenTable {
if err := binary.Read(f, binary.LittleEndian, &length); err != nil {
return tok, err
if length <= 0 {
return tok, errors.New("tokenizer failure")
tokenBytes := make([]byte, length)
if err := binary.Read(f, binary.LittleEndian, tokenBytes); err != nil {
return tok, err
tok.tokenTable[i] = string(tokenBytes)
tok.tokenMap[tok.tokenTable[i]] = int32(i)
return tok, nil
type TokenizerJSON struct {
Version string `json:"version"`
Model struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Vocab map[string]int `json:"vocab"`
MergesData []string `json:"merges,omitempty"`
SpecialTokens map[string]string `json:"special_tokens"`
} `json:"model"`
func NewTokenizerJson(filename string) (Tokenizer, error) {
// Read the JSON file
fileContent, err := os.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return Tokenizer{}, err
// Unmarshal JSON into our struct
var tokenizerData TokenizerJSON
if err := json.Unmarshal(fileContent, &tokenizerData); err != nil {
return Tokenizer{}, err
// Create a new Tokenizer instance
tok := Tokenizer{
vocabSize: uint32(len(tokenizerData.Model.Vocab)),
tokenTable: make([]string, len(tokenizerData.Model.Vocab)),
tokenMap: make(map[string]int32),
init: true,
// Create a slice of token-id pairs for sorting
var tokenIDPairs []struct {
Token string
ID int
for token, id := range tokenizerData.Model.Vocab {
// Convert the first two bytes to the 'Ġ' character if they match 0xC4 0xA0
if len(token) >= 2 && token[0] == 0xC4 && token[1] == 0xA0 {
token = " " + token[2:]
tokenIDPairs = append(tokenIDPairs, struct {
Token string
ID int
}{token, id})
// Sort the token-id pairs by ID
sort.Slice(tokenIDPairs, func(i, j int) bool {
return tokenIDPairs[i].ID < tokenIDPairs[j].ID
// Populate tokenTable and tokenMap
for i, pair := range tokenIDPairs {
tok.tokenTable[i] = pair.Token
tok.tokenMap[pair.Token] = int32(i)
return tok, nil
func (t Tokenizer) Decode(tokens []int32) (string, error) {
s := ""
for _, token := range tokens {
if token >= int32(len(t.tokenTable)) {
return "", errors.New("not valid token")
if token != GPT2_EOT {
s += t.tokenTable[token]
return s, nil
func (t Tokenizer) Encode(text string) ([]int32, error) {
tokens := []int32{}
for len(text) > 0 {
longestMatch := ""
longestMatchToken := int32(GPT2_EOT)
for i := len(text); i > 0; i-- {
subStr := text[:i]
if token, exists := t.tokenMap[subStr]; exists {
longestMatch = subStr
longestMatchToken = token
if longestMatch == "" {
// If no match found, treat the first character as an unknown token
tokens = append(tokens, GPT2_EOT)
text = text[1:]
} else {
tokens = append(tokens, longestMatchToken)
text = text[len(longestMatch):]
return tokens, nil
Tokenize some text¶
tokenizer, err := NewTokenizerJson("/Users/joshcarp/Documents/the-interactive-transformer/tokenizer.json"); if err != nil {
gonbui.RequestInput("Tokenize some text: ", false)
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
inputText, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
if err != nil { panic(err) }
encoded, err := tokenizer.Encode(inputText)
fmt.Println("encoded: ", encoded)
decoded, err := tokenizer.Decode(encoded)
fmt.Println("decoded: ", decoded)
encoded: [31373 612 220 50256]
decoded: hello there
encoderForward iterates through the batch/sequence and combines the word token embeddings with the word position embeddings. This allows out vector to encode tokens and positions in one vector.
func encoderForward(out []float32, inp []int32, wte []float32, wpe []float32, B, T, C int) {
// Iterate over each batch
for b := 0; b < B; b++ {
// Iterate over each time step in the sequence
for t := 0; t < T; t++ {
// Calculate the index in the output slice. Each vector is C elements long.
startOutIndex := b*T*C + t*C
// Calculate the token ID index in the input
// inp is the tokenized input, each number in inp char is an index within wte (word token embeddings)
ix := inp[b*T+t]
// Calculate the index in the token embeddings slice
// inp -> id -> wte[id]
startWteIndex := ix * int32(C)
// Calculate the index in the position embeddings slice
// Wpe starts at 0 (when t is zero) which is basically mapping directly to index
startWpeIndex := t * C
// Add the vectors from `wte` and `wpe` and store the result in `out`
// here we combine the vectors in the C dimensions.
for i := 0; i < C; i++ {
out[startOutIndex+i] = wte[startWteIndex+int32(i)] + wpe[startWpeIndex+i]
func TestEncoderForwardExplicit(t *testing.T) {
inp := []int32{1, 0} // [1 -> wte (2, 3), wpe(4, 5)] [0 -> wte (0, 1), wpe(6, 7)]
wte := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3}
wpe := []float32{4, 5, 6, 7}
B := 1 // Batch size
T := 1 // Sequence Len
C := 2 // Dimensions
out := make([]float32, len(inp))
encoderForward(out, inp, wte, wpe, B, T, C)
expectedOut := []float32{6, 8}
assert.Equal(t, expectedOut, out)
=== RUN TestEncoderForwardExplicit
--- PASS: TestEncoderForwardExplicit (0.00s)
Layernorm forward¶
layernormForward normalizes the activations in each layer. It improves convergence in training and reduces sensitivity to initial parameters. For each vector, the mean and variance are calculated.
- out: output activations (B,T,C)
- mean: mean values (B,T) for each position (b,t)
- rstd: reciprocal standard deviations (B,T) for each position (b,t)
- inp: input activations (B,T,C)
- weight: learnable weight (C) for scaling
- bias: learnable bias (C) for shifting
- B: batch size
- T: sequence length (number of time steps)
- C: embedding dimension (number of features)
- Layer Normalization - Layernorm was introduced in this paper.
func layernormForward(out, mean, rstd, inp, weight, bias []float32, B, T, C int) {
var eps float32 = 1e-5
for b := 0; b < B; b++ {
for t := 0; t < T; t++ {
x := inp[b*T*C+t*C:]
// Calculate mean
var m float32 = 0.0
for i := 0; i < C; i++ {
m += x[i]
m /= float32(C)
// Calculate variance
var v float32 = 0.0
for i := 0; i < C; i++ {
xshift := x[i] - m
v += xshift * xshift
v /= float32(C)
// Calculate rstd (reciprocal standard deviation)
s := 1.0 / Sqrt((v)+eps)
// Normalize, scale, shift, and store output
outBT := out[b*T*C+t*C:]
for i := 0; i < C; i++ {
// subtract mean to center data
// divide by std to scale variance
// (val - mean) / std
n := s * (x[i] - m)
// Multiply the weight
o := n*weight[i] + bias[i]
outBT[i] = o
// Store mean and rstd for backward pass
mean[b*T+t] = m
rstd[b*T+t] = s
attentionForward performs the attention forward pass.
attention is the only layer that mixes information across time every other operation is applied at every (b,t) position independently (and of course, no layer mixes information across batch)
- out: output matrix (B,T,C)
- preatt: pre-attention scores (B,NH,T,T)
- att: post-attention scores (B,NH,T,T)
- inp: input matrix (B,T,3C) holding Query, Key, Value vectors
- B: batch size
- T: sequence length (number of time steps)
- C: input dimension (number of features)
- NH: number of attention heads
- Attention Is All You Need - The attention mechanism was introduced in the original transformer paper.
func attentionForward(out, preatt, att, inp []float32, B, T, C, NH int) {
C3 := C * 3 // This is the dimensions for the key, query and values
hs := C / NH // head size
scale := 1.0 / Sqrt(float32(hs))
// Iterate over batch, sequence length, and number of heads
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for b := 0; b < B; b++ {
// Sequence length
for t := 0; t < T; t++ {
for h := 0; h < NH; h++ {
go func(b, t, h int) {
defer wg.Done()
// Calculate indices for query, pre-attention, and attention arrays
// query is any particular input asking for information from other inputs
queryT := inp[b*T*C3+t*C3+h*hs:] // inp[B][T][C3]
preattBth := preatt[b*NH*T*T+h*T*T+t*T:]
attBth := att[b*NH*T*T+h*T*T+t*T:]
// Pass 1: Calculate query dot key and max value
// The dot product is described in the paper as being better because
// it can be optimized with matrix multiplication
var maxval float32 = -10000.0
// range from 0 to the current inp
for t2 := 0; t2 <= t; t2++ {
// Calculate key index for t2
key_t2 := inp[b*T*C3+t2*C3+h*hs+C:] // +C because it's key
// Compute dot product and update max value
var val float32
for i := 0; i < hs; i++ {
val += queryT[i] * key_t2[i]
val *= scale
if val > maxval {
maxval = val
// preatt[b][h][t1][t2] == dot product (similarity) between query vector at position t1 and
// key vector at t2.
preattBth[t2] = val
// Pass 2: Calculate the exp and keep track of sum
// Calculate exponential sum and update preatt and att arrays
// maps the max value to zero,
// and everything else negative.
// when the exp function is called then the range of numbers will be
// between 0 and e.
var expsum float32
for t2 := 0; t2 <= t; t2++ {
expv := Exp((preattBth[t2]) - maxval)
// expsum is a sum of all the exp'd pre_att values
expsum += expv
// att_bth[t2] is the exp'd preatt_bth[t2]
attBth[t2] = expv
var expsum_inv float32
if expsum != 0.0 {
expsum_inv = 1.0 / expsum
// Pass 3: Normalize to get softmax
// from 0 -> t2: att_bth[t2] = exp(preatt[t2]) / sum(exp(preatt[:]))
// for everything else it's zero
for t2 := 0; t2 < T; t2++ {
if t2 <= t {
attBth[t2] *= expsum_inv
} else {
// Causal attention mask (optional; used for debugging and comparison)
attBth[t2] = 0.0
// Pass 4: Accumulate weighted values into the output of attention
// out = attention * values
// The values in this instance are the initial token/position embeddings that have gone through many linear
// transformations at this point.
// This is simply applying the learned attention "weights" to the lkqv values.
// These weights must change a whole bunch after back propagation.
out_bth := out[b*T*C+t*C+h*hs:]
for i := 0; i < hs; i++ {
out_bth[i] = 0.0
for t2 := 0; t2 <= t; t2++ {
value_t2 := inp[b*T*C3+t2*C3+h*hs+C*2:] // +C*2 because it's value
att_btht2 := attBth[t2]
for i := 0; i < hs; i++ {
out_bth[i] += att_btht2 * value_t2[i]
}(b, t, h)
func TestAttentionForward(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
inp []float32
B int
T int
C int
NH int
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
wantOut []float32
wantPreatt []float32
wantAtt []float32
name: "Small Input Test",
args: args{
inp: []float32{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
B: 1,
T: 1,
C: 2,
NH: 1,
wantOut: []float32{5, 6},
wantPreatt: []float32{7.7781744},
wantAtt: []float32{1},
name: "Larger Input Test",
args: args{
inp: []float32{ // (B, T, C3)
/* B = 1 */
/* T = 0 */
/*qry*/ 1, 2, 3, // query compared against (4, 5, 6) but not (13, 14, 15) because it's in the future (t=1)
/*key*/ 4, 5, 6,
/*val*/ 7, 8, 9,
/* T = 1 */
/*qry*/ 10, 11, 12, // will be compared against (4, 5, 6) (t-1) and (13, 14, 15)
/*key*/ 13, 14, 15,
/*val*/ 16, 17, 18, // vals are updated to
B: 1,
T: 2,
C: 3,
NH: 1,
wantOut: []float32{ // (B, T, C)
/* B = 0 */
/* T = 0 */
/* C = 0 1 2 */
/* */ 7, 8, 9,
/* T = 1 */
/* C = 0 1 2 */
/* */ 16, 17, 18,
wantPreatt: []float32{ // (B, NH, T, T)
/* B = 0 */
/* NH = 0 */
/*T = 1 2 */
/*T=1*/ 18.475208, 0, // preatt: 18 -> 1, 0 -> 0
/*T=2*/ 96.417496, 267.89053, // 96 -> 9, 267 -> 1
wantAtt: []float32{ // (B, NH, T, T)
/* B = 0 */
/* NH = 0 */
/*T = 1 2 */
/*T=1*/ 1, 0,
/*T=2*/ 0, 1,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
out, preatt, att := make([]float32, len(tt.wantOut)), make([]float32, len(tt.wantPreatt)), make([]float32, len(tt.wantAtt))
attentionForward(out, preatt, att, tt.args.inp, tt.args.B, tt.args.T, tt.args.C, tt.args.NH)
assert.InDeltaSlice(t, tt.wantOut, out, 1e-4, fmt.Sprintf("want: %v got: %v", tt.wantOut, out))
assert.InDeltaSlice(t, tt.wantPreatt, preatt, 1e-4, fmt.Sprintf("want: %v got: %v", tt.wantPreatt, preatt))
assert.InDeltaSlice(t, tt.wantAtt, att, 1e-4, fmt.Sprintf("want: %v got: %v", tt.wantAtt, att))
=== RUN TestAttentionForward
=== RUN TestAttentionForward/Small_Input_Test
=== RUN TestAttentionForward/Larger_Input_Test
--- PASS: TestAttentionForward (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestAttentionForward/Small_Input_Test (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestAttentionForward/Larger_Input_Test (0.00s)
Residual forward¶
residualForward implements a simple residual connection, a common technique used in deep neural networks to improve training and performance.
- Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition - The introduction of residuals allowed for deeper networks. Before this paper the depth of a neural network was limited because it would diverge enough and back propagation was really, really difficult to do because of vanishing gradients. Residuals essentially have a “short circuit” past a block which limits how much the neural networks can influence.
func residualForward(out, inp1, inp2 []float32, N int) {
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
out[i] = inp1[i] + inp2[i]
The geluForward function applies the GELU activation to the input values stored in the inp slice and writes the activated values to the out slice.
geluForward is the Gaussian Error Linear Units activation function. It leaves positive values mostly unchanged but maps negative value close to zero. This introduces “non-linearity” to the neural network and allows for the model to fit to functions that aren’t just linear regressions.
- Gaussian Error Linear Units (GELUs) - Activation function that leaves positive values unchanged but maps negative numbers to near zero. Other architectures use different activation functions. For example, OpenElm uses SwiGLU.
var GELUSCALEFACTOR = Sqrt(2.0 / math.Pi)
func geluForward(out, inp []float32, n int) {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
x := inp[i]
cube := 0.044715 * x * x * x
out[i] = 0.5 * x * (1.0 + Tanh(GELUSCALEFACTOR*(x+cube)))
softmaxForward calculates the softmax probabilities for a batch of input logits, converting them into a probability distribution over multiple classes. It’s a common operation in neural networks, especially for classification tasks.
func softmaxForward(probs, logits []float32, B, T, V int) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for b := 0; b < B; b++ {
for t := 0; t < T; t++ {
go func(b, t int) {
defer wg.Done()
baseIndex := b*T*V + t*V
logitsBT := logits[baseIndex : baseIndex+V]
probsBT := probs[baseIndex : baseIndex+V]
// Numerical Stability
var maxval float32 = -10000.0
for i := 0; i < V; i++ {
if logitsBT[i] > maxval {
maxval = logitsBT[i]
// Calculate exponentials and sum
var sum float32
for i := 0; i < V; i++ {
probsBT[i] = Exp((logitsBT[i] - maxval))
sum += probsBT[i] // Using float32 for potential precision gain
// Normalize
for i := 0; i < V; i++ {
probsBT[i] /= sum
}(b, t)
The function crossEntropyForward calculates the cross-entropy loss for a batch of predicted probability distributions and their corresponding target labels.
// crossEntropyForward
func crossEntropyForward(losses []float32, probs []float32, targets []int32, B, T, V int) {
// Iterate over each batch
for b := 0; b < B; b++ {
// Iterate over each time step in the sequence
for t := 0; t < T; t++ {
// Calculate the index in the probability slice
startIndex := int32(b*T*V + t*V)
// Get the correct index in the logits for the current batch and time step
ix := targets[b*T+t]
// Calculate the cross-entropy loss
prob := probs[startIndex+ix]
// Calculate the negative log of the probability for the correct target index
losses[b*T+t] = -Log((prob))
Putting it all together¶
type GPT2Config struct {
MaxSeqLen int `json:"max_seq_len"`
V int `json:"vocab_size"`
L int `json:"num_layers"`
NH int `json:"num_heads"`
C int `json:"channels"`
EOT int32
type GPT2 struct {
Tokenizer Tokenizer
Config GPT2Config // Hyper-parameters of the model
// Params has the actual weights of the model. Params.Memory is for convenience to be able to set/reset parameters simply
Params ParameterTensors // Weights of the model
// Grads contains the delta/gradient that will eventually be applied to the params in the model
Grads ParameterTensors // Gradients of the weights
// Fields for AdamW optimizer
MMemory []float32 // First moment estimates (for AdamW)
VMemory []float32 // Second moment estimates (for AdamW)
Acts ActivationTensors // Activations of the model
// gradients of the activations
GradsActs ActivationTensors
B int // Current batch size (B)
T int // Current sequence length (T)
Inputs []int32 // Input tokens
Targets []int32 // Target tokens
MeanLoss float32 // Mean loss after a forward pass
Rand *rand.Rand
func loadFromReader(f io.Reader) (*GPT2, error) {
header := make([]int32, 256)
err := binary.Read(f, binary.LittleEndian, header)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading model header: %v", err)
if header[0] != 20240326 || header[1] != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad model file format")
model := &GPT2{
Config: GPT2Config{
MaxSeqLen: int(header[2]),
V: int(header[3]),
L: int(header[4]),
NH: int(header[5]),
C: int(header[6]),
Rand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(21)),
model.Params.Init(model.Config.V, model.Config.C, model.Config.MaxSeqLen, model.Config.L)
if err := binary.Read(f, binary.LittleEndian, model.Params.Memory); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading model: %v", err)
return model, nil
// LoadGPT2Model loads the GPT-2 model from a checkpoint file.
func LoadGPT2Model(checkpointPath, tokenizerFile string) (*GPT2, error) {
// File Reading
f, err := os.Open(checkpointPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error opening model file: %v", err)
defer f.Close()
// Read Model Header
model, err := loadFromReader(f)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if tokenizerFile == "" {
return model, err
tok, err := NewTokenizer(tokenizerFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
model.Tokenizer = tok
return model, nil
The function Forward implements the forward pass of a GPT-2 language model. It takes a sequence of input tokens and a sequence of target tokens (if available) as input, and it calculates the model’s output probabilities for the next token in the sequence.
func (model *GPT2) Forward(input, target []int32, B, T int) {
V, L, NH, C := model.Config.V, model.Config.L, model.Config.NH, model.Config.C
if model.Acts.Memory == nil {
model.B, model.T = B, T
model.Acts.Init(B, C, T, L, NH, V)
model.Inputs = make([]int32, B*T)
model.Targets = make([]int32, B*T)
copy(model.Inputs, input)
copy(model.Targets, target)
params, acts := model.Params, model.Acts
// This encodes the word token embeddings with the positional embeddings
// so that those vectors have spacial information and aren't just purely made up of the
// token embeddings. The result of this is stored in acts.Encoded.
// Input is a slice of ids/tokens that correspond to the vectors in WTE and their index is the "position"
encoderForward(, input,,, B, T, C)
var residual []float32
for l := 0; l < L; l++ {
// residual is a connection between the last layers output, or the initial token/pos embedding (as applied above)
if l == 0 {
residual =
} else {
residual =[(l-1)*B*T*C:]
// Parameters
l_ln1w :=[l*C:]
l_ln1b :=[l*C:]
l_qkvw :=[l*3*C*C:]
l_qkvb :=[l*3*C:]
l_attprojw :=[l*C*C:]
l_attprojb :=[l*C:]
l_ln2w :=[l*C:]
l_ln2b :=[l*C:]
l_fcw :=[l*4*C*C:]
l_fcb :=[l*4*C:]
l_fcprojw :=[l*C*4*C:]
l_fcprojb :=[l*C:]
// Activations
l_ln1 :=[l*B*T*C:]
l_ln1_mean :=[l*B*T:]
l_ln1_rstd :=[l*B*T:]
l_qkv :=[l*B*T*3*C:]
l_atty :=[l*B*T*C:]
l_preatt :=[l*B*NH*T*T:]
l_att :=[l*B*NH*T*T:]
l_attproj :=[l*B*T*C:]
l_residual2 :=[l*B*T*C:]
l_ln2 :=[l*B*T*C:]
l_ln2_mean :=[l*B*T:]
l_ln2_rstd :=[l*B*T:]
l_fch :=[l*B*T*4*C:]
l_fch_gelu :=[l*B*T*4*C:]
l_fcproj :=[l*B*T*C:]
l_residual3 :=[l*B*T*C:]
// Here we normalise the layer so that the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is ~1.
// residual contains the un-edited activations
layernormForward(l_ln1, l_ln1_mean, l_ln1_rstd, residual /*inp*/, l_ln1w /*weight*/, l_ln1b /*bias*/, B, T, C)
l_qkvw = weight = Query Key Val Weights (C * 3C)
l_ln1 = inp = layer activations
l_qkvb = bias = Query Key Val Bias
l_qkv = out = key/query/value matrix
Here we're matrix multiplying l_ln1(inp)*l_qkvw(weight) + l_qkvb(bias)
This matrix multiplication essentially gets a layer activation for the model inputs (activations) which are multiplied
by the model weights.
This does the input "projection" via linear transformations via the model query/key/value weights into higher dimensionality.
matmulForward(l_qkv, l_ln1, l_qkvw, l_qkvb, B, T, C, 3*C)
The attention forward pass takes these query/key/value vectors, along with the model attention weights
The model pre-attention scores, after the forward pass, have the un-normalised attention scores
att has the attention acores and l_atty has the attention scores + the query/key/value scores
l_qkv has the projection of the activations into a higher dimension.
l_preatt: has the projection qkv vectors dot product(similarity), between an input's query and another input's key.
This basically goes like this:
word a: has a query vector "what am i looking for"
word b: has a query vector "what do i need"
if they're similar, these vectors will be similar, therefore the scores will be high and be stored in l_preatt
the v in the qkv is the original token/position embeddings which have been through a number of linear transformations at this point.
attentionForward(l_atty, l_preatt, l_att, l_qkv, B, T, C, NH)
Here we do another matrix multiplication of attention weights and biases
This projects the l_atty into another dimension. These will probably also get back propagated.
matmulForward(l_attproj, l_atty, l_attprojw, l_attprojb, B, T, C, C)
The residual forward simply adds the attention projection and the residual layer, which is the
weights(or activations?) before any of the previous transformations. This allows a stronger signal and
prevents weight dropout and i think makes back propagation more efficient.
residualForward(l_residual2, residual, l_attproj, B*T*C)
The weights in this level are the layer 2 activations, which are multiplied with the residual through the above sections
This is normalised and everything into layernorm2
layernormForward(l_ln2, l_ln2_mean, l_ln2_rstd, l_residual2, l_ln2w, l_ln2b, B, T, C)
Feedforward is just another layer of a multi layer perceptron to make the "higher level" connections.
matmulForward(l_fch, l_ln2, l_fcw, l_fcb, B, T, C, 4*C)
This is an acitvation function which maps large values to close to one and smaller values to zero.
geluForward(l_fch_gelu, l_fch, B*T*4*C)
This now squishes the last layer into a smaller dimension so it can be added to the next layer.
matmulForward(l_fcproj, l_fch_gelu, l_fcprojw, l_fcprojb, B, T, 4*C, C)
Now we set the next residual layer as the output of this layer. This is the l_fcproj + the current layer residual
residualForward(l_residual3, l_residual2, l_fcproj, B*T*C)
residual =[(L-1)*B*T*C:]
Now this is the last thing. We're layer norming the final layer activations so that the logits can be calculated
layernormForward(,,, residual,,, B, T, C)
Matrix multiplying the Word Token embedding gives us the logits.
This is calculating a weighted sum. More likely tokens will be blown up and less likely will be zero or negative.
matmulForward(,,, nil, B, T, C, V)
After all of this we can softmax the logits to get probabilities over the entire vocabulary
softmaxForward(,, B, T, V)
// also forward the cross-entropy loss function if we have the targets
if len(target) > 0 {
This compares the probabilities for each token and compares it to the target to calculate a loss.
crossEntropyForward(,, target, B, T, V)
// for convenience also evaluate the mean loss
var meanLoss float32
for i := range {
meanLoss +=[i]
meanLoss /= float32(B * T)
model.MeanLoss = meanLoss
} else {
model.MeanLoss = -1.0
The probabilities are a float array of:
coin is a random value between 0 and 1.
We start with a cumulative sum, and when it gets above our target coin, we return.
This makes it that the most likely token returned is the one that has the most probability, but we still have the possibiility of choosing other ones, proportional to how likley they are.
func sampleMult(probabilities []float32, coin float32) int {
var cdf float32
for i, prob := range probabilities {
cdf += prob
if coin < cdf {
return i
return len(probabilities) - 1
func (model *GPT2) Inference(input string) (string, error) {
B, T, nTokens := 1, 64, 20
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
fmt.Printf("inference time took: %v\n", time.Now().Sub(start))
tokens, err := model.Tokenizer.Encode(input)
//prompt_len := len(tokens)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if len(tokens) < T {
for i := len(tokens); i <= T; i++ {
tokens = append(tokens, model.Config.EOT)
fmt.Printf("input is %d tokens long\n", len(tokens))
model.Forward(tokens, tokens[1:], B, T)
for t := 1; t < nTokens; t++ {
// for each t, we re-compute all activations between 0 and t
// leaving this alone because you want separate code for inference anyway
// the inference here is just for sanity checking purposes
model.Forward(tokens, nil, B, t)
probabilities :=[(t-1)*model.Config.V:]
coin := model.Rand.Float32()
nextToken2 := sampleMult(probabilities, coin)
tokens[t] = rune(nextToken2)
out, err := model.Tokenizer.Decode([]int32{tokens[t]})
if err != nil {
return model.Tokenizer.Decode(tokens)
func newGPT2(MaxSeqLen, V, L, NH, C int, vocab []string) GPT2 {
model := GPT2{
Config: GPT2Config{
MaxSeqLen: MaxSeqLen,
V: V,
L: L,
C: C,
Params: newParameterTensors(V, C, MaxSeqLen, L),
Tokenizer: newTokenizer(vocab),
Rand: rand.New(rand.NewSource(21)),
return model
Do some inference¶
path := "/Users/joshcarp/Documents/the-interactive-transformer/"
model, err := LoadGPT2Model(path+"/gpt2_124M.bin", path+"/gpt2_tokenizer.bin")
if err != nil {
gonbui.RequestInput("gpt2 text complete: ", false)
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
inputText, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
_, err = model.Inference(inputText)
if err != nil {
input is 65 tokens long> <link rel="stylesheet"><span class="affiliate iconinference time took: 6.370601958s
Backward Pass¶
The backwards pass is where the “learning” happens. It is used to update the weights of the model. If we’re using the model for inference, deploying it as a chatbot, etc, we don’t do a backwards pass.
The backward pass calculates the difference between the predicted tokens (before the sampling), and calculates a gradient based on the learning algorithm.
- Learning representations by back-propagating errors - Back-propagation was introduced here, couldn’t find the original paper. This was done by Hinton and co and was what lead to the AI era of the 80s.
The function computes the gradients of the logits (dlogits) with respect to the loss, given the probabilities (probs) and target labels (targets). This gradient information is used during backpropagation to update the weights and biases of the network to minimize the cross-entropy loss.
// crossentropySoftmaxBackward calculates the cross entropy
func crossentropySoftmaxBackward(dlogits, dlosses, probs []float32, targets []int32, B, T, V int) {
for b := 0; b < B; b++ {
for t := 0; t < T; t++ {
baseIndex := b*T*V + t*V
dlogitsBT := dlogits[baseIndex : baseIndex+V]
probsBT := probs[baseIndex : baseIndex+V]
dloss := dlosses[b*T+t]
ix := targets[b*T+t]
for i := 0; i < V; i++ {
p := probsBT[i]
var indicator float32
if int32(i) == ix {
indicator = 1.0
} else {
indicator = 0.0
dlogitsBT[i] += (p - indicator) * dloss
The function computes the gradients of the inputs (dinp), weights (dweight), and biases (dbias) for a matrix multiplication operation. These gradients are necessary for adjusting the model parameters during training to minimize the error.
func matmulBackward(dinp, dweight, dbias, dout, inp, weight []float32, B, T, C, OC int) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for b := 0; b < B; b++ {
for t := 0; t < T; t++ {
go func(b, t int) {
defer wg.Done()
doutBt := dout[b*T*OC+t*OC:]
dinpBt := dinp[b*T*C+t*C:]
for o := 0; o < OC; o++ {
wrow := weight[o*C:]
d := doutBt[o]
for i := 0; i < C; i++ {
dinpBt[i] += wrow[i] * d
}(b, t)
for o := 0; o < OC; o++ {
go func(o int) {
defer wg.Done()
for b := 0; b < B; b++ {
for t := 0; t < T; t++ {
doutBt := dout[b*T*OC+t*OC:]
inpBt := inp[b*T*C+t*C:]
dwrow := dweight[o*C:]
d := doutBt[o]
if dbias != nil {
dbias[o] += d
for i := 0; i < C; i++ {
dwrow[i] += inpBt[i] * d
The function layernormBackward calculates the gradients for the backward pass of a Layer Normalization (LayerNorm) operation in a neural network. Here’s a breakdown of what it does:
Layer Normalization is a technique used to normalize the activations of a layer across its features, improving the training stability and performance of deep neural networks. It involves normalizing the input to have zero mean and unit variance. This function calculates the gradients needed to update the weights and biases of the LayerNorm operation during backpropagation.
func layernormBackward(dinp, dweight, dbias, dout, inp, weight, mean, rstd []float32, B, T, C int) {
for b := 0; b < B; b++ {
for t := 0; t < T; t++ {
baseIndex := b*T*C + t*C
doutBT := dout[baseIndex : baseIndex+C]
inpBT := inp[baseIndex : baseIndex+C]
dinpBT := dinp[baseIndex : baseIndex+C]
meanBT := mean[b*T+t]
rstdBT := rstd[b*T+t]
// Reduce operations
var dnormMean float32 = 0.0
var dnormNormMean float32 = 0.0
for i := 0; i < C; i++ {
normBTI := (inpBT[i] - meanBT) * rstdBT
dnormI := weight[i] * doutBT[i]
dnormMean += dnormI
dnormNormMean += dnormI * normBTI
dnormMean /= float32(C)
dnormNormMean /= float32(C)
// Accumulation loop
for i := 0; i < C; i++ {
normBTI := (inpBT[i] - meanBT) * rstdBT
dnormI := weight[i] * doutBT[i]
dbias[i] += doutBT[i]
dweight[i] += normBTI * doutBT[i]
var dval float32
dval += dnormI // Term 1
dval -= dnormMean // Term 2
dval -= normBTI * dnormNormMean // Term 3
dval *= rstdBT // Final scale
dinpBT[i] += dval
The function residualBackward calculates the gradients for the backward pass of a residual connection in a neural network. Here’s a breakdown of what it does:
func residualBackward(dinp1, dinp2, dout []float32, N int) {
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
dinp1[i] += dout[i]
dinp2[i] += dout[i]
Computes the gradient of the Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GELU) activation function for backpropagation in a neural network.
// geluBackward computes the backward pass of the GeLU non-linearity
func geluBackward(dinp, inp, dout []float32, n int) {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
x := inp[i]
cube := 0.044715 * x * x * x
tanhArg := GELUSCALEFACTOR * (x + cube)
tanhOut := Tanh(tanhArg)
coshfOut := Cosh(tanhArg)
sechOut := 1.0 / (coshfOut * coshfOut)
localGrad := 0.5*(1.0+tanhOut) + x*0.5*sechOut*GELUSCALEFACTOR*(1.0+3.0*0.044715*x*x)
dinp[i] += localGrad * dout[i]
The attentionBackward function implements the backward pass for a self-attention mechanism in a neural network. This is a crucial part of training attention-based models, like transformers. It calculates the gradients of the attention weights, queries, keys, and values with respect to the outputs of the attention layer, allowing the model to adjust its parameters to improve performance.
// attentionBackward performs the backward pass for an attention mechanism
func attentionBackward(dinp, dpreatt, datt, dout, inp, att []float32, B, T, C, NH int) {
// C3 is 3 times C, representing the size of Q, K, and V combined
C3 := C * 3
// hs is the size of each head
hs := C / NH
// scale is the factor used in the forward pass to scale the dot product
scale := 1.0 / Sqrt(float32(hs))
// Iterate through batch, time, and heads
for b := 0; b < B; b++ {
for t := 0; t < T; t++ {
for h := 0; h < NH; h++ {
// Calculate the indices for the arrays in this specific iteration
attBTH := att[b*NH*T*T+h*T*T+t*T:]
dattBTH := datt[b*NH*T*T+h*T*T+t*T:]
dpreattBTH := dpreatt[b*NH*T*T+h*T*T+t*T:]
dqueryT := dinp[b*T*C3+t*C3+h*hs:]
queryT := inp[b*T*C3+t*C3+h*hs:]
// Backward pass 4: value accumulation
doutBTH := dout[b*T*C+t*C+h*hs:]
for t2 := 0; t2 <= t; t2++ {
valueT2 := inp[b*T*C3+t2*C3+h*hs+C*2:]
dvalueT2 := dinp[b*T*C3+t2*C3+h*hs+C*2:]
for i := 0; i < hs; i++ {
// Compute gradients for attention and value accumulation
dattBTH[t2] += valueT2[i] * doutBTH[i]
dvalueT2[i] += attBTH[t2] * doutBTH[i]
// Backward pass 2 & 3: softmax backward
// Softmax does not require input (preatt) to backward
for t2 := 0; t2 <= t; t2++ {
for t3 := 0; t3 <= t; t3++ {
var indicator float32
if t2 == t3 {
indicator = 1.0
localDerivative := attBTH[t2] * (indicator - attBTH[t3])
dpreattBTH[t3] += localDerivative * dattBTH[t2]
// Backward pass 1: query @ key matmul
for t2 := 0; t2 <= t; t2++ {
keyT2 := inp[b*T*C3+t2*C3+h*hs+C:]
dkeyT2 := dinp[b*T*C3+t2*C3+h*hs+C:]
for i := 0; i < hs; i++ {
// Compute gradients for query and key
dqueryT[i] += keyT2[i] * dpreattBTH[t2] * scale
dkeyT2[i] += queryT[i] * dpreattBTH[t2] * scale
The function computes the gradients of the inputs (dinp), weights (dweight), and biases (dbias) for a matrix multiplication operation. These gradients are necessary for adjusting the model parameters during training to minimize the error.
dinp: A slice of floats representing the gradients of the outputs with respect to the inputs of the matrix multiplication. This is often calculated by the subsequent layer in the network. dweight: A slice of floats representing the gradients of the outputs with respect to the weights. Initially, this slice is filled with zeros. dbias: A slice of floats representing the gradients of the outputs with respect to the biases. Initially, this slice is filled with zeros. dout: A slice of floats representing the outputs of the matrix multiplication. inp: A slice of floats representing the inputs to the matrix multiplication. weight: A slice of floats representing the weights of the matrix multiplication. B: The batch size (number of samples). T: The time steps or sequence length. C: The number of input features. OC: The number of output features.
func matmulBackward(dinp, dweight, dbias, dout, inp, weight []float32, B, T, C, OC int) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for b := 0; b < B; b++ {
for t := 0; t < T; t++ {
go func(b, t int) {
defer wg.Done()
doutBt := dout[b*T*OC+t*OC:]
dinpBt := dinp[b*T*C+t*C:]
for o := 0; o < OC; o++ {
wrow := weight[o*C:]
d := doutBt[o]
for i := 0; i < C; i++ {
dinpBt[i] += wrow[i] * d
}(b, t)
for o := 0; o < OC; o++ {
go func(o int) {
defer wg.Done()
for b := 0; b < B; b++ {
for t := 0; t < T; t++ {
doutBt := dout[b*T*OC+t*OC:]
inpBt := inp[b*T*C+t*C:]
dwrow := dweight[o*C:]
d := doutBt[o]
if dbias != nil {
dbias[o] += d
for i := 0; i < C; i++ {
dwrow[i] += inpBt[i] * d
encoderBackward calculates gradients during backpropagation Parameters:
- dwte: gradients with respect to word embeddings (wte)
- dwpe: gradients with respect to positional embeddings (wpe)
- dout: the gradient to apply to dwte and dwpe
- inp: input tokens (ids that refer to indexes within wte)
- B: batch size
- T: sequence length (number of time steps)
- C: embedding dimension (number of features)
func encoderBackward(dwte, dwpe []float32, dout []float32, inp []int32, B, T, C int) {
// Iterate over the batch and time steps
for b := 0; b < B; b++ {
for t := 0; t < T; t++ {
// Calculate offsets for indexing
doutBTOffset := b*T*C + t*C
ix := inp[b*T+t] // Get the input token id
dwteIxOffset := ix * int32(C) // Calculate the offset for dwte
dwpeTOffset := t * C // Calculate the offset for dwpe
// Iterate over the embedding dimension and apply computations
for i := 0; i < C; i++ {
// Get the gradient value from dout
d := dout[doutBTOffset+i]
// Update the gradients for word embeddings (dwte) and positional embeddings (dwpe)
dwte[dwteIxOffset+int32(i)] += d
dwpe[dwpeTOffset+i] += d
func (model *GPT2) ZeroGradient() {
for i := range model.GradsActs.Memory {
model.GradsActs.Memory[i] = 0.0
for i := range model.Grads.Memory {
model.Grads.Memory[i] = 0.0
The optimiser implementation keeps track of the weights that are being changed, and how fast they’re being changed.
Most neural network back propagation algorithms use AdamW, which is a weight-decay ontop of the Adam optimiser.
- Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization - Introduced the Adam optimiser.
- DECOUPLED WEIGHT DECAY REGULARIZATION - Introduces AdamW optimiser used in the first transformer. Adam with weight where weight increases as time goes on.
The optimiser implementation keeps track of the weights that are being changed, and how fast they’re being changed.
Most neural network back propagation algorithms use AdamW, which is a weight-decay ontop of the Adam optimiser.
- Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization - Introduced the Adam optimiser.
- DECOUPLED WEIGHT DECAY REGULARIZATION - Introduces AdamW optimiser used in the first transformer. Adam with weight where weight increases as time goes on.
func (model *GPT2) Update(learningRate, beta1, beta2, eps, weightDecay float32, t int) {
// Lazy memory allocation
if model.MMemory == nil {
model.MMemory = make([]float32, model.Params.Len())
model.VMemory = make([]float32, model.Params.Len())
// Parameter updates
for i := 0; i < model.Params.Len(); i++ {
parameter := model.Params.Memory[i]
gradient := model.Grads.Memory[i]
// Momentum update
m := beta1*model.MMemory[i] + (1.0-beta1)*gradient
// RMSprop update
v := beta2*model.VMemory[i] + (1.0-beta2)*gradient*gradient
// Bias correction
mHat := m / (1.0 - Pow(beta1, float32(t)))
vHat := v / (1.0 - Pow(beta2, float32(t)))
// Parameter update
model.MMemory[i] = m
model.VMemory[i] = v
model.Params.Memory[i] -= learningRate * (mHat/(Sqrt(vHat)+eps) + weightDecay*parameter)
func (model *GPT2) Backward() error {
//// double check we forwarded previously, with targets
if model.MeanLoss == -1.0 {
return errors.New("error: must forward with targets before backward")
// lazily allocate the memory for gradients of the weights and activations, if needed
// convenience shortcuts
B, T, V, L, NH, C := model.B, model.T, model.Config.V, model.Config.L, model.Config.NH, model.Config.C
if len(model.Grads.Memory) == 0 {
model.Grads.Init(V, C, model.Config.MaxSeqLen, L)
model.GradsActs.Init(B, C, T, L, NH, V)
// backward pass
params, grads, acts, gradsActs := model.Params, model.Grads, model.Acts, model.GradsActs
// we kick off the chain by filling in dlosses with 1.0f/(B*T), to get the mean loss
dlossMean := 1.0 / float32(B*T)
for i := range {[i] = dlossMean
crossentropySoftmaxBackward(,,, model.Targets, B, T, V)
matmulBackward(,, nil,,,, B, T, C, V)
residual :=[(L-1)*B*T*C:] // last layer's residual
dresidual :=[(L-1)*B*T*C:] // write to last layer's residual
layernormBackward(dresidual,,,, residual,,,, B, T, C)
for l := L - 1; l >= 0; l-- {
if l == 0 {
residual =
dresidual =
} else {
residual =[(l-1)*B*T*C:]
dresidual =[(l-1)*B*T*C:]
// Assuming you have a 'params' variable of your ParameterTensors type
l_ln1w :=[l*C:]
l_qkvw :=[l*3*C*C:]
l_attprojw :=[l*C*C:]
l_ln2w :=[l*C:]
l_fcw :=[l*4*C*C:]
l_fcprojw :=[l*C*4*C:]
// Gradients of weights
dl_ln1w :=[l*C:]
dl_ln1b :=[l*C:]
dl_qkvw :=[l*3*C*C:]
dl_qkvb :=[l*3*C:]
dl_attprojw :=[l*C*C:]
dl_attprojb :=[l*C:]
dl_ln2w :=[l*C:]
dl_ln2b :=[l*C:]
dl_fcw :=[l*4*C*C:]
dl_fcb :=[l*4*C:]
dl_fcprojw :=[l*C*4*C:]
dl_fcprojb :=[l*C:]
// Activations
l_ln1 :=[l*B*T*C:]
l_ln1_mean :=[l*B*T:]
l_ln1_rstd :=[l*B*T:]
l_qkv :=[l*B*T*3*C:]
l_atty :=[l*B*T*C:]
l_att :=[l*B*NH*T*T:]
l_residual2 :=[l*B*T*C:]
l_ln2 :=[l*B*T*C:]
l_ln2_mean :=[l*B*T:]
l_ln2_rstd :=[l*B*T:]
l_fch :=[l*B*T*4*C:]
l_fch_gelu :=[l*B*T*4*C:]
dl_ln1 :=[l*B*T*C:]
dl_qkv :=[l*B*T*3*C:]
dl_atty :=[l*B*T*C:]
dl_preatt :=[l*B*NH*T*T:]
dl_att :=[l*B*NH*T*T:]
dl_attproj :=[l*B*T*C:]
dl_residual2 :=[l*B*T*C:]
dl_ln2 :=[l*B*T*C:]
dl_fch :=[l*B*T*4*C:]
dl_fch_gelu :=[l*B*T*4*C:]
dl_fcproj :=[l*B*T*C:]
dl_residual3 :=[l*B*T*C:]
residualBackward(dl_residual2, dl_fcproj, dl_residual3, B*T*C)
matmulBackward(dl_fch_gelu, dl_fcprojw, dl_fcprojb, dl_fcproj, l_fch_gelu, l_fcprojw, B, T, 4*C, C)
geluBackward(dl_fch, l_fch, dl_fch_gelu, B*T*4*C)
matmulBackward(dl_ln2, dl_fcw, dl_fcb, dl_fch, l_ln2, l_fcw, B, T, C, 4*C)
layernormBackward(dl_residual2, dl_ln2w, dl_ln2b, dl_ln2, l_residual2, l_ln2w, l_ln2_mean, l_ln2_rstd, B, T, C)
residualBackward(dresidual, dl_attproj, dl_residual2, B*T*C)
matmulBackward(dl_atty, dl_attprojw, dl_attprojb, dl_attproj, l_atty, l_attprojw, B, T, C, C)
attentionBackward(dl_qkv, dl_preatt, dl_att, dl_atty, l_qkv, l_att, B, T, C, NH)
matmulBackward(dl_ln1, dl_qkvw, dl_qkvb, dl_qkv, l_ln1, l_qkvw, B, T, C, 3*C)
layernormBackward(dresidual, dl_ln1w, dl_ln1b, dl_ln1, residual, l_ln1w, l_ln1_mean, l_ln1_rstd, B, T, C)
// Here we want to apply our gradients to our encoded data.
encoderBackward(,,, model.Inputs, B, T, C)
return nil
func (model *GPT2) Train(valDataloader, trainDataloader *DataLoader, B, T int) error {
fmt.Printf("train dataset num_batches: %d\n", valDataloader.NumBatches)
const genMaxLength, valNumBatches = 20, 3
for step := 0; step <= 3; step++ {
if step%1 == 0 {
var valLoss float32
for i := 0; i < valNumBatches; i++ {
input, target, err := valDataloader.NextBatch()
if err != nil {
return err
model.Forward(input, target, B, T)
valLoss += model.MeanLoss
valLoss /= float32(valNumBatches)
fmt.Printf("val loss %f\n", valLoss)
// do a training step
start := time.Now()
input, targets, err := trainDataloader.NextBatch()
if err != nil {
return err
model.Forward(input, targets, B, T)
model.Update(1e-4, 0.9, 0.999, 1e-8, 0.0, step+1)
fmt.Printf("step %d: train loss %f (took %v ms)\n", step, model.MeanLoss, time.Since(start))
return nil
model, err := LoadGPT2Model("./gpt2_124M.bin", "./gpt2_tokenizer.bin")
if err != nil {
B, T := 4, 64
trainDataloader, err := NewDataLoader("./TinyStories_train.bin", B, T)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("train dataset num_batches: %d\n", trainDataloader.NumBatches)
valDataloader, err := NewDataLoader("./TinyStories_val.bin", B, T)
if err != nil {
if err := model.Train(valDataloader, trainDataloader, B, T); err != nil {
2024/08/26 17:53:26 Error opening model file: open ./gpt2_124M.bin: no such file or directory
exit status 1